Thursday, 14 November 2019

My funny princess

Di suatu petang dalam kereta.. trying to make a conversation with our kids.
Abang iman tengah berborak-borak dgn mommy & abi.
And as usual 'princess'  thia pon nak jugak making a conversation. She keeping repeating the same sentence to get our attention. So mommy pon divert the conversation to Thia.

Thia : "Toce makan shark"
Mommy & abi : " Ha.. apa dia thia?"
Thia : "Toce makan shark"
Abi dah pandang kat mommy dah... " ape benda 'toce' tu?" abi tanya
Mommy: "Toce? Toce tu apa thia?"

Thia : Meowww...

Mommy & Abi: (Serentak).." Oooooo KUCING!!" 
Tebahak-bahak kami ketawa dalam kereta hari tu.

Thia & her pelat always keep us laugh. There are few words sometimes even abg Iman making fun of her.. (pity her). But then good thing is when we try to immitate her pelat, nanti dia betulkan kita pulak with correct pronoun. Boleh la pulak kan? hehehehe - she is so funny.
Here few words

Buk-Bak = Seat Belt
NakNiNaNeNi = Nak gi mana ni?
Suah =Kuah
Suen = Swing

Ada lagi words yang tak reti mommy nak tulis.. hanya sebutan jer boleh.

My Princess Fathia Ibani wearing Iban traditional costume 

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