Thursday 18 October 2018

Set Mengandung Shaklee

Have i ever told you guys about what supplement do i took during my pregnancy?
Some of you may know already.. and maybe lots of you dont know yet..

Ever since from my 1st pregnancy i took these supplement to ensure my body is fit & also most important by baby is growing healthily. Its your first baby right? for sure you want it to be prefect/ beautiful and most important to be healthy. Plus, you will never know what you will facing through out all the trimester..its a first experience right?
Well you just have to go for it and prepare for the worst.

So I took a few supplement from Shaklee which consist of :
1. B-complex : Really important as its contain acid folic and its crucial for baby development
2. Vita- Lea : A multi vitamin for mommies.. we need to ensure our body have all the needs right despite all the crappy food we've been craving during pregnancy.😂
3. Vita -C : Its my so call antibiotic. To ensure that i wont easily get sick specially fever.
4. Omega :I took this during 2nd & 3rd trimester only. This is for the eye, brain development of the baby. 
5. Ostematrix : Also know as calcium.. took this during night time before sleep. It helps a lot if you have constipation and also no leg cramp. Alhamdulillah, i never get any constipation and leg cramp during my pregnancy.. seriously, like all 3 of pregnancy. Its like my must have before sleep. Plus, its good to develop the baby bones and keep mommies bones strong.
6. ESP: Its a protein drink. I took this a lot during 3rd trimester.. i find out the baby born with a skin that very firm. How do i say it eh.. its like firm taufu.😂

There, some may say thats a lot of pills to take. But trust me, its Not that much when you know how and when to take it.

If you wish to know more.. do let know and im gonna share it personally. 

Faiq Iman - 3 Sept 2013 - 3.5kg 
Fathia Imani - 25 Feb 2016 - 3.45kg
Fayyad Israr - 4 Sept 2018 - 3.5kg


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