Monday 4 July 2016

2014 -Year of my Happy Feet.

Disclaimer: This post dah berhabuk in my draft. Just had to post it. =p


Me and my officemate had a big lunch today. Asalnya just nak try kereta baru member, borak ramai-ramai tup-tup semua nak ikot.. So we headed to haramawth restaurant in Jalan Ampang. Dah sampi je restaurant, one of my collegue ask ni makan-makan semperna apa ni? Hahaha.. dah smpi 2 kereta convoy kan ,, then someone said "Makan-makan penutupan 2014"..
 It strike my head..goshh tak sampai 24 jam sahaja lagi seluruh dunia akan menyambut tahun baru!! Meaning no more 2014 in our calender of year.. and new number will be replace - 2015.

So now, after melahap nasi arabkan.. dengan office yang sejuk.. mata pon dah tinggal separuh la kan. Then i took out the new 2015 calender. Sudah menjadi kebiasaan, i will mark all the holiday untuk tahun depan.. wah banyak jugak cuti pjg nie...(sambil dlm otak pikir mana nak jalan nie??) 
Then the 2014 calender is now official out. 
Sebelum kite throw it away, sempat gak la tengok what have my life been in 2014..

Let's recap!

26hb: Suprize Bday Party for my lovely mom just the same day as she arrived from umrah.
We had a suprize in Sama-Sama Hotel, KLIA.
31-2 Feb: Holiday in Penang Island.

8hb: Faiq Iman 2nd Aqiqah in Rumah Tokma & TokWan in Serdang.

1- 2nd : Trip to Langkawi stayed in Westin Hotel & Spa.. love the pool and super yummy breakfast!
29 - 1 April: Trip to Bandung and stayed in Sheraton Bandung.

5-6: Sending Abi off the work in Kerteh.. my life of weekend wifey started.. sob-sob.
19hb: Change my android life to Macintosh. hahaha(ni pon nak mention ka??)

13 - 23hb: Family trip to a beautiful country of Istanbul. LOVE IT SO MUCH!

6 - 8hb: Short trip to Melaka stayed in Ramada Hotel. An excuse for Faiq swimming. hahahah
27hb: Had my eye assessment in PCMC.

4hb: Had my LASIC surgery.. Nervous!. Alhamdulillah, my eye sight is back normal although its not 0-0.
28-29: Raya Celebration of course.

17-20hb: Birthday treat in Singapore!. Stayed in Royal Plaza on Scott.Well, not exactly a birthday trip, more likely follow hubs to work. Sambil menyelam, sambil minum katanya.
26-29hb: I had my MC myself because lil bambam was sick for the whole week..he got flu, cough + gigi nak tumbuh...The longest MC i had. hahaha

3th: Lil faiq is turning ONE 
13hb: Lil Faiq had his 1 year injection & in the evening, he's walking on its own!! Yeahh.. Bravo my boy.

22-16: Trip to KOREA!! Anneyo-sayo

15-16: Trip to Grand Lexis, PD with TokMa & TokWan and the whole Serdang Family.

2-7hb:  Trip to the magnificent island called MALDIVES! hehe We had a great family day in Kurumba Island.
8hb: Quick Shopping in Singapore.. i got a Kitchen's Aid!! A dream come true.. Yeah!
23hb: Lil Ghazi was born... a new addition of family members.

30th: And now on this date,, i just make another reservation on DoubleTree in  JB on 2-4 of January.. hahahahaha.. 
Gosh.. these year is a year of my Happy Feet. 

Subhanallah.. syukur terhadap illahi diatas pemberiannya yang penuh nikmat selama diri ini di atas muka bumiMu ya Allah.
Mengenangkan semula hari-hari yang berlalu tahun ini sangat bermakna terutama bersama keluarga tercinta!
Syukur Alhamdulillah.

Although , this year Malaysia airlines had a tough year on what happens to MH370 - which is still missing (Only Allah knows what happen to them, i pray so that all of them is in His good hand), MH17- been shoot in the air. ( Al-Fatihah to all the passanger) and recently of Air Asia (QZ8501): missing in Kalimantan air, Alhamdulillah berita terbaru petang ni sudah menjumpai cepisan kapal terbang & mangsa di perairan Selat Karimata- AlFatihah)

I do feel fright whenever im on-board. But in the end.. Ajal & Maut di tangan tuhan kan. Kita nya mampu berserah kepada-Nya.
Dan yang penting, jangan sesekali kita lupa bertaubat & beribadat kepada-Nya.
We never know when will our time.


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